by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Dec 1, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Marriage, Mental Health, Personal Growth
Life is much more than the everyday busyness of making a living or striving for personal success. Life is much more than a constant struggle of coping with harsh reality by fighting or escaping. Life can be lived at a deeper level and on a higher plane by adopting a...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 24, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Relationships
Gratitude – the practice of reminding ourselves what we have, what we experience, to be grateful for, is a key component to psychological health and mental well being. This is the perfect time of year to practice Gratitude. Not only as we celebrate...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 17, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships
As I am finishing up writing The Meaning Centered Recovery portion of the online Substance Abuse & Recovery course on (feel free to take a look at – I have been reminded of how important...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 10, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Parenting, Uncategorized
There several common topics I discuss in my office at this time of year. The holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving will soon be here, quickly followed by “Black Friday” – the spending holiday – then several weeks of “joyful...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 3, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth
I don’t know how I’ve never heard of this book until now. It was published over 25 years ago, and I just became familiar with it thanks to a logotherapy conference earlier this year, and the endocrinologist who recommended it. For me, it is one of those...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Oct 6, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health
I’ve been having this one idea present itself in different ways, almost every day, for the past few weeks. I’ve been reading (skimming) a couple of books – Franciscan priest Richard Rohr, business guru and Patrick Lencioni, and Viktor Frankl’s...