by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Aug 5, 2018 | Affair Recovery, Marriage, Relationships
Infidelity, extramarital affairs, sexual promiscuity – often sensationalized in the media, these relationship destroying choices happen all too often in “real life”. However, lesser indiscretions can often lead a couple to struggle significantly,...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 29, 2018 | Affair Recovery, Marriage, Meaning, Parenting, Relationships, Work / Career
“Today, individuals are adept at making their demands on life and getting what they want, carelessly overlooking their human kinship and the bond that ties them together in needing one another and being needed.” “They slide from...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 15, 2018 | Marriage, Meaning, Relationships
Successful, healthy, relationships and marriages are built on a foundation of trust. Without trust, we see relationships crumble under the weight of fear, anxiety, and contempt. Trust is fairly easy to build in the early stages of a relationship, and simple, in...
by anewdirection | Jun 3, 2018 | Marriage, Mental Health, Relationships
We all get into disagreements with our loved ones – spouses, significant others, partners. Most people only bring into a relationship what they learned from their family of origin and past relationships, both good and bad. It is impossible to agree on...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Apr 1, 2018 | Management, Meaning, Relationships, Work / Career
Most of us find ourselves with an opportunity to lead from time to time – many of us are leaders on a daily basis, either at work or in our families. I thought I would share some notes from a recent presentation for those of us who may want to engage in a more...